
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Hanging Out on a Thursday Night

We're loooking forward to some quality Hang Out time with your student!

As the school days count down, we'll be reconnecting in smaller groups this week.  This means we will NOT be meeting at the church at our normal time.  Please help your student stay connected via Facebook, texting, phone calls, carrier pigeon, email, etc for where to be for Hang Out Thursday.

 And, just in case your student can't remember all the details (where to meet, what time, will there be food, what do I wear?), here's how they can connect with the Lighthouse Staff:

 - Lighthouse Gals will be together for the evening. Check Facebook or contact Julie ( for details.

 - Sophomore Guys can contact Ian ( for more details.

 - Upper Classmen and Freshmen will be hanging out together. Be sure to catch up on what's going on via Facebook.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

End of the Year Evaluation

Hello parents of Lighthouse students, 
We are coming to the end of the school year and I pray that your student is finishing well (if they need a study buddy, I can help)! As we come to the end of our "normal" Lighthouse Thursday schedule, the staff and I take time to evaluate the ministry.

  • How is God moving in our ministry right now?
  • How are we doing with ministering to students?
  • What can we do even better for next year?
To begin this process we give our surveys to both staff and students, but *something new this year* I would love to hear from you!

Please e-mail your responses to me at

Parent(s) name: _____________________________________
Student(s) name: _____________________________________

Please give us so information so that we can update our database:
Do you have a cell phone?                      Yes         No
Text message?                                        Yes         No
Cell Phone Number: (                      )                                      -                                                    

Do you have Facebook?                         Yes         No
If so, how often do you check it?     Daily                               1-2 times per week         less than once a week
Do you have an email address?               Yes         No
Email address:                                                                   @                                           
How often do you check it?         Daily                      1-2 times per week        less than once a week

Do you currently get a youth calendar?             Yes         No
Has this been helpful for you?         Yes                         Sort of                  Not at all
Do you have any comments or suggestions on how this could be more helpful?
If you aren’t getting the mailer, would you like to?                           Yes         No
If yes, please provide address here:                                                                                                                                       
                                                           Street                            Apt#                      City                        Zip

Do you feel like the youth ministry staff are accessible?                                 YES         NO
Do you feel like you were informed about opportunities to be involved with youth ministries?
YES                         WOULD LIKE MORE INFO                              NO
Please rate the amount of communication you get from youth ministry.
GREAT                  ENOUGH                             NOT ENOUGH                   NOT GREAT
Please explain your rating:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
Do you feel like you are discipling your child?      YES         NO
Do you feel youth ministry supports you as a discipler?  YES                         I NEED HELP!                      NO
Please explain:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Do you feel like you can get involved with what is going on in youth ministry?     YES         NO
If you have been involved, please tell about how the experience has gone:                                                       

Thank you for taking the time to give feedback to youth ministry at Hope Center! Your responses are important to us and how we do ministry!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Have you talked to your teen about "The Net"?

The internet is a wonderful tool that has grown exponentially in the past decade. But just like using scissors, if there is no training or guidelines (i.e. don't run with them) it is possible that a teen could hurt themselves or others.

This Thursday we are having Guy Talk and Girl Talk and discussing "The Net". We will be talking about the difference between reality and fantasy, once something is on the internet it is permanent, internet bullying, and gossip. Please follow up regarding this conversation at home!

I'm sure many of us are thinking, "I don't even understand the internet/the Facebook/Tweetter, how can I guide my teen in using it?" I found a great "guideline" contract that can be used both to help students as well as be a conversational piece for discussion. Click here to get the contract'N%20Tools%20Youth%20Pledge.pdf

God Bless, Paul Scholz /