
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Parent Meeting

It is no easy task to get everyone on the same page. We are all being pulled in many directions, with many commitments, and with different priorities. But this Thursday we are going to be having a Lighthouse Parent meeting from 7:00-8:30pm to hopefully get on the same page. I'm here to serve you! The things we do at the youth group are supposed to support you as the parent in discipling your child! Let's get on the same page about things that are going on for another great school year of seeing God work in the lives of students!

For this year's small groups, we are doing things a little different. In the past, students have come to Lighthouse, heard an intro to a topic with Scripture, and then broken into small groups by age and grade. This year we are going to be doing the devotional booklet "The Way I'm Wired" all year long. The cost is $5 per book, students will be expected to do a quick devotion throughout the week before coming to youth group, and be ready to discuss the week's topic. Books will be available at Lighthouse next Thursday 9/6. Click here for a video intro by the author:

See you Thursday!
Paul Scholz /

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Sign your student up today for Fall Retreat!
This is our beginning of the school year trip to bring students together is Community and create Christ-centered friends! This year we are partnering with four other churches: Clayton Community Church, The Creek Covenant Church, Church of Christ Walnut Creek, and Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran. It is a wonderful opportunity for us all to come together, have fun, and praise God.
Our speaker this year is a good friend of mine from the Sacramento area, Chris Ivens. He is the Jr. High Pastor at Valley Springs Presbyterian and he will be taking a narrative look at the theme of "Wilderness" throughout the Bible.
We are also blessed to once again have Rachel Weight leading worship! We are very excited for Saturday night's "Stars Devo" where we will be looking up at God's creation and singing praise!

To sign up, please fill out the year long permission slip and turn in $100 by September 2nd - price goes up to $125 after Sept 2nd. We already have people on our roster!

I pray that you and your family are going through a good season of starting school. Please let me know if I can help you in any way!
Paul Scholz /

p.s. Please mark your calendars for next Thursday 8/30 at 7:00pm we will be having a Lighthouse Parent Meeting to talk about what is going on for the school year, discussing Winter Camp, and Summer Camp.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Meet our staff!

The only way that we are able to effectively minister to students at Lighthouse is with a group of adults that care about high school students. Click here to see our new page Meet our staff!. This group of adults is on your team to support you and your student spiritually, so please be praying for us!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Lighthouse Kick off!

We are kicking off the school year with a Pool Party! Have your student bring a swim suit and be ready to have fun around the pool with friends. Of course, any other friends are more than invited to this party.
Address: 720 Roanoke Dr., Martinez. Time: 7-8:45pm.

To get more information on Lighthouse events, click here to see our Fall calendar.

Some important events:

  • Parent meeting Thursday 8/30 starting at 7:00pm. This is our annual beginning of the year meeting where we discuss our vision, values, and make decisions for the upcoming year such as Winter Camp and Summer Camp. Please come to meet other parents and give your opinion.
  • Fall Retreat, Friday-Sunday 9/28-30 in Santa Cruz - We start off the year with a fun Community building trip to connect with peers and adults who care. Friendships are created this trip that support students in their faith. This year we will be joined by a couple other youth groups such as Clayton Community, The Creek, and Church of Christ Walnut Creek. Very excited to have Rachel Weight leading worship again!
    Cost: $100 by September 2nd, $125 after September 2nd. 
    **Scholarships available, contact Paul for more information**
Look forward to another great school year of seeing what God is doing in the lives of students!