
Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas Devotional

Hello, hope your holidays are going well so far. It is definitely the calm before the storm for me right now. I wanted to share this resource that Dean, Ian, Katie and I developed to help students get into the Christmas story. There is a devotional book and youTube videos will be posted to go with the studies. I pray that this helps your family get into the reason for celebration!

For the devotional book 

For the first youTube video, and to subscribe you the youTube channel

A couple dates to note:
- Disney Movie Marathon - first Thursday of the year January 3rd we will be getting together for another Disney movie marathon. It is meant to be a time for hanging out with friends with video games, snacks, and...oh ya movies!
- 30 Hour Famine - first weekend in March, Saturday 2 at 7:00am - Sunday March 3 at 1:00pm will be length of the fast. We don't eat, raise money and awareness, so that others can eat. You and your family and community are invite to join in the fast and the Break the Fast meal! Please RSVP with me for the meal.

Merry Christmas!
Paul /

Monday, December 17, 2012

Summer Camp News

We had a Summer Camp meeting last Sunday December 9th between services, there was good news, bad news, and then what we are going to do about it.
Good News: We have prayed about it and we believe that God is sending us back to Hume Lake Summer Camp next summer 2013. We have a reservation for Hume Wildwood Discipleship Camp for the week of June 16-22. For more information on this camp click here.

Bad News: It is not the same week or camp from last year, Hume Ponderosa July 7-13. When we went to make our reservation it turned out that they had already sold our spots - not sure why after many phone calls.

What we are going to do about it: We are 89th on the waiting list for Hume Ponderosa, the camp from last year. I have talked with Hume staff and other churches that go to Hume and they said there is a lot of turn over between January-March and so I believe we will get back our original reservation but we have to be patient.

If your student is interested in going to Summer Camp you can reserve their spot with a deposit of $75. I will give the total cost for the trip when we figure out which camp we are going to (the price range will be between $500-$550).

We are planning on doing the Pancake Fundraiser again to help with funds for Hume, Saturday April 27th. I am asking for volunteers to help start planning and getting donations for the fundraiser this month. Please e-mail me if you can go to a store to ask for donations.

For any other questions, please contact me,
Paul /

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Will the school be any different?

Hello all, we are once again blessed to have a parent sharing from their own experience and story. Margee and Dan Curran have had their four children, Ebey, David, Hannah, and Hope, graduate from College Park High School. Margee shares about a life changing experience:

When my oldest daughter Ebey was about to start her senior year at College Park High School I was sitting in a large meeting in Colorado with about 5,000 other missionaries. Someone was talking about High School ministry….  As the guy spoke, God began to get MY ATTENTION!!  A question popped into my head, “ Will College Park be any different because my 4 kids have gone there?”    (and hopefully have been a fragrant aroma of God’s presence at CP) At that point, my answer to that question was NO!! 

As  I was sitting in the meeting, Jesus began to give me an idea: What if our 2 high-schoolers invited their friends over once a month for dinner, games  and a short bible study?  Kind of like Young Life.  I asked Ebey (the senior) and David (sophomore) what they thought. Ebey was excited and David was not.  Since one of my kids was willing to try it, Daniel and I decided to “go for it.”  We picked a date, made little invitations for Ebey to pass out and tried to figure out what this would look like…  That first Sunday about 25 kids came.  It was fun, wild, noisy, disorganized and spastic, BUT the CP kids who came liked it and wanted to come back again, and more importantly, David liked it and wanted to invite his friends the next month.  He had been worried that it was going to be weird and needed to see one first before he invited friends.  We began to call it Dinner with Jesus.  I always made a simple dinner (lasagna, salad, bread, dessert) I put my kids in charge of the game and then we would read a story from the gospels about an interaction Jesus had with someone- (like Jesus and Zaccheus in Luke 19)   The kids would break up in small groups and go answer questions about the text that we would discuss as a large group.  In Isaiah 55: 11,  it talks about God’s word not returning empty without accomplishing what He desires.  I figured that as long as we “gave out” His word, it would accomplish things of eternal value. 

We hosted these monthly meetings for about 5 years and then our 2 youngest kids,   Hope and Hannah decided to form a club at College Park called Lunch with Jesus which replaced out monthly dinners.  Lunch with Jesus is in it’s  4th year and is continuing even after Hope graduated in June.

Margee Curran /

Thank you for sharing Margee! What an incredible experience, and what a blessing it is to see how you and your family responded. Please contact the Curran family for more information on their ministry and how to get involved!

Summer Camp Meeting

This Sunday between Hope Center services (10:15am-10:45) in the Generations Room we are having a meeting to discuss the status of Summer Camp 2013. If your student is interested in going to camp, you can reserve their spot by bringing a check for $75 to guarantee their spot.
Also, we are going to start doing some work for the Pancake Fundraiser in April. This fundraiser has been made to help students go to summer camp. Please come to the meeting to find out how you can help!

Thank you,
Paul /