
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Have you talked to your teen about "The Net"?

The internet is a wonderful tool that has grown exponentially in the past decade. But just like using scissors, if there is no training or guidelines (i.e. don't run with them) it is possible that a teen could hurt themselves or others.

This Thursday we are having Guy Talk and Girl Talk and discussing "The Net". We will be talking about the difference between reality and fantasy, once something is on the internet it is permanent, internet bullying, and gossip. Please follow up regarding this conversation at home!

I'm sure many of us are thinking, "I don't even understand the internet/the Facebook/Tweetter, how can I guide my teen in using it?" I found a great "guideline" contract that can be used both to help students as well as be a conversational piece for discussion. Click here to get the contract'N%20Tools%20Youth%20Pledge.pdf

God Bless, Paul Scholz /

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