
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Community at Pancake Sunday!

Why do we do Pancake Sunday? No one has asked me because it is so awesome but I'm sure that the question has crossed people's minds. I mean, is Sunday morning worship the time for something like that? Shouldn't we fill the time instead with prayer, more singing worship, or a longer message?

This question brings me back to our vision statement: Encouraging students in their discipleship with Jesus Christ through Christ (Up) developing the habit of knowing and worshiping God, Community (In) building real Christ-centered friends in the Church, and Calling (Out) sharing Christ and generously serving others so that they can be disciples that make disciples. Everything we do at Lighthouse is filtered through the lens of our vision. For example, we see Sundays primarily as Christ, Thursdays primarily as Community, and Serve Thursdays and 30 Hour Famine as Calling - all are equally important in the growth and maturing of us as disciples.

In the process of maturing, Lighthouse continually tries to find creative ways to challenge the spiritual journey of high schoolers. The first Sunday of the month we partake in Communion as commanded by Jesus at the Last Supper Mark 14:12-26. Just as Jesus and His Disciples partook of a meal with the First Communion, we too have a meal together with Communion. While Sunday worship may be seen primarily as Christ, by having a meal together the opportunity for more Community is created. Our prayer is that your student is creating Christ-centered friendships in the church to encourage them in their spiritual journey!

-Paul Scholz, High School Director

Monday, July 23, 2012

Fall 12 Calendars are out!

Hello Lighthouse Parents!
The Fall calendar is out and being mailed to you. Included with the calendar is the Fall Retreat brochure, the yearlong permission slip, and this letter from Paul:

The school year is about to begin again!  I hope this past season provided some restful opportunities for you and your family. This summer Lighthouse had the incredible opportunity to go to Hume Lake summer camp and I saw God change them in incredible ways!
But now it is time to get back to a more regular schedule. As your student is getting back into routine, my goal is get them involved in their church community with believing peers, as well as adults who care and are available to mentor. My desire is for students to be connected on Sundays, Thursdays and at other events that are planned. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help your student be involved and excited about things going on at Lighthouse. 

Attached to this letter is the Lighthouse Fall Calendar, please note some important dates:
  • Community Worship, Friday August 24th from 6:30-9:30pm at Hope Center. This our third meeting for a night of worship with other youth groups in the area! Bring money for food afterward.
  • Parent meeting, Thursday August 30th from 7:05-8:30. Please bring your student to Lighthouse as usual but stay for some refreshments while we kick off the school year on the same page.              
  • **IMPORTANT**: We will be discussing winter camp and summer camp options.
  • Fall Retreat! September 28-30 in Santa Cruz. We will be camping, going to the beach and connecting with God! Early Bird Cost (before Sept. 2nd) is $100. Price goes to $125 after Sept. 2nd, please have your student signed up no later than Sept. 23rd. See attached brochure for more info. **If money is an issue, scholarships are available**

Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, I am here to serve you!
God Bless,
Paul Scholz
Hope Center Covenant Church
Director of High School Ministries
916-223-4327 cell
925-685-4673 ext 13 church

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Post Hume

We are back from Hume and the excitement around the trip is incredible! God certainly moved through the students and staff, and we are certainly blessed.

In the aftermath of Hume I wanted to give out a couple important links:
-To the Facebook photos

-To the Hume Lake videos for the week (we were week 5)

Praise the Lord!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Happenings around Hume

Your students got up for early morning worship. (Yes, awake and singing before 8am!) Drew took first place in the Biathlon swim. Dominic won Kajabe for his team at Rec. It may be our first year at Hume but we're having no trouble getting into the swing of things. There was paintball and church time to talk about how we're being challenged at camp. Students were asked what they feel God calling them to do after we get home. More fun at Guys and Girls dinner, volleyball tournament, and the Gauntlet! Please keep our health and safety in your prayers and that God would continue to breakdown the walls and allow us to have real conversations about trusting God with all aspects of our lives. Great things are happening here and we pray for greater things still to come

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Camp ~ Hume style

We're cruisin' through Day Two of camp. Learning to get comfortable amongst the crowds and learn the Hume Camp ways. We've got an incredible speaker. We're being challenged to look at our lives and what's standing in our way of living a life that says, God is enough. We're learning new games at Rec. We've got a few Kajabe can champions in our midst already. A few of brave adventure seekers took on the high ropes course this afternoon. Taking steps out in faith in many new ways. Please pray for our health. It's warm up here! And please pray that God uses this week to work in the hearts of the students. We're thankful for the time to get to know each other more as we grow in our personal relationships with God. Today's Memory Verse: John 1:9-14 yesterday's verse: Romans 1:21-25

Sunday, July 8, 2012

We're here! Hume 2012

The Phantastival Journey of the Wandering Lites! We all arrived safely this afternoon. We hiked to our cabins, had plenty of pizza for dinner, and an Amazing Opening Chapel. This week we'll be journeying through Exodus to Deuteronomy.  It will be Phantastical!The Phantastival Journey of the Wandering Lites! We all arrived safely this afternoon. We hiked to our cabins, had plenty of pizza for dinner, and an Amazing Opening Chapel. This week we'll be journeying through Exodus to Deuteronomy.  It will be Phantastical!