
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Camp ~ Hume style

We're cruisin' through Day Two of camp. Learning to get comfortable amongst the crowds and learn the Hume Camp ways. We've got an incredible speaker. We're being challenged to look at our lives and what's standing in our way of living a life that says, God is enough. We're learning new games at Rec. We've got a few Kajabe can champions in our midst already. A few of brave adventure seekers took on the high ropes course this afternoon. Taking steps out in faith in many new ways. Please pray for our health. It's warm up here! And please pray that God uses this week to work in the hearts of the students. We're thankful for the time to get to know each other more as we grow in our personal relationships with God. Today's Memory Verse: John 1:9-14 yesterday's verse: Romans 1:21-25

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