
Friday, September 28, 2012

Fall Retreat Last Details

Here are some last details about Fall Retreat:

Where we are staying: Daybreak Christian Camp. 6676 Rose Acres Ln  Felton, CA (831) 335-2756

For emergencies, please call Paul Scholz at (916) 223-4327

We will be asking student to keep their cell phones off and out of sight.

Please bring your student to Hope Center on Friday no later than 3:15pm
We will be returning around 5:00pm on Sunday, we will have your student call you when we are driving.

Schedule for the weekend:
3:30  Leave Hope Center
5:30  Dinner at Mt. Hermon exit, your student needs $10 extra for the weekend (for dinner and ice cream)
8:00  Worship service

10:00  Worship service
11:30  Beach, Sea Cliff State Beach
4:00  Go back to Daybreak
7:00  Worship service
8:00  Ice Cream
  Coffeehouse time
  Star devo

10:00  Worship service
1:00  Clean up camp
2:45  Leave Daybreak Camp

Here's the packing list:

  • Bible/Journal/Pen
  • Water Bottle, Flashlight, Money (for ice cream, snacks)
  • Jeans, Shorts, T-Shirts, clothes you can layer. Warm in the day, cool at night.
  • Socks, underwear
  • Closed-toe shoes, hat & sunglasses
  • Towel, bathing suit (Ladies please show modesty, a 1 piece or cover up)
  • Toiletries: Toothbrush, toothpaste, washcloth, shampoo, soap, towel, etc.
  • Sleeping bag
  • Card games, beach toys (again, check with Paul)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


You guessed it: We are excited that Fall Retreat is this Friday! This will be our third year doing this trip and it continues to be an amazing beginning of the year trip. We are also blessed this year to be joined by four other churches: The Creek Covenant, Clayton Community Church, Church of Christ Walnut Creek, and Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran in Fairfield (whom we also partner for Mission to Mexico)! I am so excited to see God bring together this Christ-centered community to have fun, get out of the normal routine, and get to know Him in a new way!

A couple last minute notes:
- Parent meeting is this Thursday from 7:05-7:20pm. We will be going over last minute details and information about the trip so that you know what is going on.
- Your child needs $10 extra for dinner on Friday night we will be stopping at the My. Hermon exit for food and then Saturday night we are going out for ice cream.

Looking forward to another great year, please don't hesitate to ask any questions as needed!
Paul /

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Small Group Lessons

Ever wonder what material our small group leaders use to prepare and lead small groups on Thursdays? Of course you do!

As many of you know, this year we are going through a devotional called The Way I'm Wired. Each week, everyone involved with Lighthouse is doing a specific devotional before coming to Thursday night small groups. During our time together, we take time to go deeper into the Scripture and create discussion around the week's lesson. Please follow up with your child on these discussions! Ask them what stood out, ask what them learned about God, what they learned about themselves! I pray this devotional and small groups lead your teen into a deeper knowledge and love for God.

To see last week's lesson on Genesis, click

To see this week's lesson on Exodus, click

I would also like to recommend a resource that will pair with what we are doing on Thursdays. It is the parent guide How Your Teenager is Wired I have not looked through this resource, but if you choose to get it please let me know what you think!

Paul /


Parent involvement has always been important for our youth group. Logistically it is often a necessity, but even more significant is that we want to partner with you! Have you ever considered helping us out?

Ways you can get involved:
- Drive for Fall Retreat
- Cook Pancakes for Pancake Sunday
- Drive for Lighthouse events
- Thursday Small Group leader
- Sunday morning volunteer
- Host an event at your house (i.e. movie night, pool party, etc.)
- Other? Please talk with me and we can get creative

Contact me to get involved. We are happy to partner with you!
Paul /

Monday, September 10, 2012

Parent Meeting Recap

Hey parents, it was great to have us all together two Thursdays ago to talk about Lighthouse, upcoming events, a little about us and our philosophy, and even talk honestly about parenting. I know that it is not easy.
During the meeting we read an article that I found. I thought that the title of "Spiritual Maturity: A Note Parenting" would be a great read for us, but I found that I disagreed with a lot of the article and thought it was a little harsh. But you were gracious with me, and we had a wonderful conversation about it. If you are interested in reading more the article is actually a four-parter:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

While I may not completely agree with everything written in these articles, I do believe in having a conversation regarding this topic. As I said during our meeting, we are here to serve you! Support you as the primary discipler of your teen! I am available if you would ever like to set up a time to talk about this.

This is the first week for our new Thursday devotional The Way I'm Wired, we are doing the first one "Genesis". Feel free to do this devotion with your teen, could be a great discussion starter! Remind them to bring the devo, Bible and a pen on Thursdays.

Fall Retreat now costs $125 and there is room for your child and any friends they would like to invite! This is our "beginning-of-the-year-everyone-goes" trip! Let me know if I can help to get your teen there!

Paul /