
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Small Group Lessons

Ever wonder what material our small group leaders use to prepare and lead small groups on Thursdays? Of course you do!

As many of you know, this year we are going through a devotional called The Way I'm Wired. Each week, everyone involved with Lighthouse is doing a specific devotional before coming to Thursday night small groups. During our time together, we take time to go deeper into the Scripture and create discussion around the week's lesson. Please follow up with your child on these discussions! Ask them what stood out, ask what them learned about God, what they learned about themselves! I pray this devotional and small groups lead your teen into a deeper knowledge and love for God.

To see last week's lesson on Genesis, click

To see this week's lesson on Exodus, click

I would also like to recommend a resource that will pair with what we are doing on Thursdays. It is the parent guide How Your Teenager is Wired I have not looked through this resource, but if you choose to get it please let me know what you think!

Paul /

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