
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Adolescence is a Cultural Phenomenon

On Saturday, October 6th, there were two awesome conferences. One was a Women and Teen's conference at Hope Center with Laura Kaczor, I heard it was an amazing day! I can only tell you second hand though. The second conference was the one I was at which was a Bay Area Youth Forum in San Raphael with Youth Ministry expert Mark Oestreicher. Awesome, awesome stuff.

Here's a little of what he had to say:
"Adolescence is a cultural phenomenon." Meaning: it doesn't have to exist, it is not a right, it is not necessarily natural.

Timeline of Adolescence:

Year                       Age range                           Length of adolescence
1904                       14 ½ - 16                               18  months long

1970                       13-18                                     5-6 years
*why? Food, globalization different diet, physiological changes
*Mandatory law to secondary education
*Isolated from adults with peers
Average contact with adult world?
Markers graduated high school and turn 18, expect responsibility

2012                       10 ½ - 30?                            20 years (a quarter of a lifetime)
*fat and weight allows kids to go into early puberty
Adolescence no longer accurate, now descriptions of different “stages”. Breakdown of adolescence:
10 ½ - 14               Early adolescence
15 – 20                  Mid adolescence
21-30                     Emerging adult *That means I'm not an adult yet, protect your children!*
*no agreement on markers of adult
*extended adolescence syndrome
“remove natural consequences, protect them, keep them safe, 20’s called teens, 20’s called children”

So that's the problem, what are the solutions? Well let's meet up and talk about it. If you are ever interested in talking about this material, or just want to meet up - I would love to! Let's talk about how to make Lighthouse even better for your student, let's talk about how parenting is going, let's talk about how the Giants and Niners are going all the way! Shoot me an email and we can work out a time.

We still are doing Off Campus Lighthouse this week, please have your teen contact their small group leader to find out when and where they are meeting.
Paul /


  1. That was interesting - thanks for sharing it. My first thought is to wonder what natural consequences am I 'protecting' my kids from? I am going to be looking for that this week because I really want them to learn from their mistakes as much as they can while they are still at home.

  2. That is a great question Debbie! I've have been thinking about it all weekend because honesty I'm not entirely sure. I believe it would be helpful to get parents together to discuss. Would Sunday during 2nd service be a good time?
