
Monday, November 5, 2012

Winter Calendar!

Dear Lighthouse Parents,
As the crazy holiday season is approaching, I pray that you and your family are able to have some special, intentional time together. When Mother Mary found out that she was going to give birth to the Savior she responded, “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior” (Luke 1:46-47). Imagine if that was the center of our celebrations this season!
For the next three months, we have some amazing upcoming events and awesome staff.  They are committed to connecting with your student in a variety of ways, both fun and challenging.
The Way I’m Wired devotional will continue through the school year. While there may be some changes in Thursdays and other events, each week students are expected to be in their devotional and then bringing it to Lighthouse. Please help us by encouraging your teen and taking time to have conversations with them about the way they are wired.

Please note some important dates: Click here to see a full view of the calendar
  • Nacho Libre Nacho Fundraiser, Fri Nov 9th 6:45-9:00pm at Hope Center. We are having a movie fundraiser for Rancho Agua Viva in Ensenada, Mexico. Please bring your whole family and bring friends for this fun evening.        
  • Christmas in the City: Saturday, December 8th from 5:30-11:30pm. This event will be different than years previous, more details are still being figured out.
  • Also stay tuned for our next Community Worship date! 

Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions, I am here to serve you!
Hope Center Covenant Church
Director of High School Ministries
916-223-4327 cell
925-685-4673 ext 13 church

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