
Monday, January 28, 2013

30 Hour Famine 2013

I am so excited to announce 30 Hour Famine for this year: March 2nd starting at 7:00am to March 3rd at 1:00pm! This is by far the best event we do of the year. We raise funds and donate it to help hungry people around the world, we fast, we do service projects, play games, do devotions, and celebrate at the end. The Famine is difficult but worth it. Last year we raised an amazing $4602.17 (a total of $21,690.29 over the years), it was certainly a year of blessing.

Here is a rough sketch of the schedule, starting on Saturday:
6:00am   Breakfast with your small group
7:00        Start the Famine
9:00       Local service project (in the past we have worked at the Pleasant Hill Library and the Food Bank)
12:00     End service project and do a lunch-time devo
1:00       Go home to rest and relax
6:00pm  Meet at Hope Center for a time of worship, t-shirt deocrating, and games
Sleepover at Hope Center

March 3rd, No Youth Service
9:00    Sharing in the first service
   Youth Shack between services
10:45  Sharing in the second service
12:15  Begin Break the Fast Celebration
1:00pm  End Famine with Communion

Please join us in the Famine and at the Break the Fast Celebration! 
Click here to donate online *spread the word!* 

RSVP for the meal by emailing

More information coming soon on this event.
Paul /

Thursday, January 24, 2013

We are Never Experts

I am currently preparing for two classes on youth ministry. The first will be for our youth staff. We are going to be talking about connecting with students individually with their different personalities, interests, and spiritual journeys. Needless to say, this is no easy task.

Here are a couple resources that I am looking at: 
Connect by Jonathon McKee 

No Teenager Left Behind by Leneita Fix

The second class, and prior to the staff training, I am preparing will be called "What's Wrong with kids ADULTS these days?" As a youth pastor, I feel like many of my conversations start this way. So we will be leading a discussion WITH PANCAKES AND COFFEE on Sunday Febrauary 3rd *yes SuperBowl Sunday* about this topic.

Here are a couple more resources that I will be using: 

Hurt by Chap Clark *still the best standard for youth ministry and understanding teens* 

Sustainable Youth Ministry by Mark DeVries.

There is always something to learn about ministering to youth. I certainly am no expert but I continue to lead conversations and press forward as the Holy Spirit leads.

If you are ever interested in any of these resources, let me know. Also, if you are ever interested in talking about youth ministry, your student, or any other way we can support you as the parent please let me know.

God Bless,
Paul Scholz /

Monday, January 7, 2013

Hope Center Rest blog

I would like to introduce you to Hope Center's Rest blog, designed to help you (and me!), your family, and others in your life find more godly rest in your lives. Here's the link Click and read Dean and Ian's first post. Subscribe to get updates just like this blog!

This Thursday we are going back to our normal small groups from 7-8:30.

God Bless,
Paul /

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Disney Movie Marathon...again

We are doing another Disney movie marathon on Thursday January 3rd from 6:00-10:30 at Hope Center. Please bring snacks to share.
We will also have video games, board games, and other fun things to do. Its the first hang out of the year!

If anyone has the DVDs of Aladdin, Lion King, and Little Mermaid that we could use, it would help. Thank you.

Paul /