
Monday, May 6, 2013

Summer Calendar 2013

Our Summer Calendar has been released and we are so excited about upcoming events, activities, and another season of seeing God at work in the lives of students! Click here to see it.
Below is the letter that was mailed out, if you did not receive it please contact us to update your contact information. Thank you!

Dear Lighthouse Parents,
The school year is starting to wind down, and I pray that your student is finishing well. As schedules start to change for this season, we are excited for opportunities for great ministry. We are going to Hume Wildwood for summer camp, volunteering to help with Day Camp, and serving in Ensenada, Mexico – what wonderful opportunities! I hope that your student is able to get involved with all the fun stuff we have going on for the next couple of months.
In the summer season, our youth group schedule is a lot different than the rest of the year, so please make sure that you and your student are connected and are getting informed on how to stay involved.

Keep informed in the Lighthouse Loop:
  • Go to
  • SUBSCRIBE to the Lighthouse Loop blog to receive weekly e-mails for parents
  • LIKE on Facebook for updated info on events for students

Attached to this letter is the Lighthouse Summer Calendar, please note some important dates:
  • May 16th will be the end of small groups at Hope Center on Thursdays. Starting May 30th we will be meeting at Hidden Lakes Park from 7-8:30pm.
  • Hume Wildwood Summer Camp, June 16th-22ndreserve your student’s spot for $75, limited space available. Total cost $445.
  • Volunteer at Day Camp the week of June 24th-28th. Afterwards, we are doing various activities throughout the week.
  • Get involved in a summer Bible study! More details to follow.

If you would like to connect to talk about anything let me know, I am here to serve you!

God Bless,
Paul Scholz
Hope Center Covenant Church l Director of High School Ministries l
(916) 223-4327 cell l (925) 685-4673 ext 13 church

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