
Monday, July 15, 2013

Dessert with Paul this Wednesday!

BIG NEWS! Jessica and I have made the decision to be missionaries with Youth for Christ/Campus Life in the Sacramento area. God has been working through me on school campuses and I’m excited to pursue that work full time. It is sad to be leaving the Hope Center community and they will be missed, but God has called us and so we are stepping out in faith to respond.
With YFC/CL, I will be the Area Campus Director. If there is a school campus in the Sac area, I will be looking to get on and reach students through Point breaks, clubs, feeding programs, and more! I will also be looking to create teams of like-minded partners to come together for this overwhelming vision!
Please pray for us during this time! Lift up Hope Center through this change of leadership, pray for Jess and I as we transition, pray for YFC/CL specifically in the Sac area, pray for prayerful and financial support, and praise God that He is still at work today!
If you would like to hear more about this, you are invited to a dessert this Wednesday (July 17th) at Hope Center at 7pm. Or I am available to meet and talk about what God is doing in my life.


If you have any questions about future Lighthouse plans, please contact Ian Longtin

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