
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Lighthouse is moving...Kick-off on Wednesday, August 21st

Lighthouse Parents! 
Summer is halfway over and there is still a lot of exciting things going on in the lives of students.  My advice: Find some air conditioning and enjoy the time you have before the craziness of school starts again! 

As we said before, I (Ian) am taking over for Paul in this season of high school ministry.  Many have asked if we’re going to hire someone and my answer is this: we’re not opposed to hiring someone in the future, but for now, we have really sensed God leading us to not jump right into that.  I for one am excited about the amazing things God is doing with this group of students and consider it an honor to be in community with them as we move forward into His promises! 

Here’s what you need to know right now:

First, Lighthouse is moving to Wednesday nights!  When we kick off August 21st, our mid-week gathering will be on Wednesdays instead of Thursdays.  The reasoning is twofold; we wanted to align the nights of our youth programs (Impact, JH) for those families who had kids in both and also, we felt like Thursdays just plain and simply needed a change!  Also, Fudd’s night will be moving to the 2nd Wednesday of each month.

Second, Lighthouse is officially getting its own space at Hope Center and we are remodeling the upper room in the admin building.  We’re excited to have a space that can strengthen our community of students.  If you’re interested in helping or supporting this in any way, please let us know! 

Third, we have changed hosts for the Lighthouse Loop Parent Blog.  Please go to and sign up for the updates to be sent to your email.  If you were signed up for the original Lighthouse Loop Blog, unfortunately you cannot be automatically added. 

We are excited for the opportunities that lay ahead of us.  As was the case with Paul, my door is always open and I’m always ready to chat.  I consider my relationship with you, the parents, equally as important as my relationship with the students.  Please don’t hesitate to contact me. 

Ian Longtin
Pastor of Youth and Young Adults
925-348-7628 cell 
925-685-4673 church    

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