
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Pool Party, House Parties, and an Ice Cream Social!

It's all on the Lighthouse Fall Calendar

Along with moving to Lighthouse to Wednesday, we've moved Fudd's night to the 2nd Wednesday of the month as part of our Community focus.  

And, make sure you're in the loop by signing up to receive updates from our new blog location, and sign up for the updates to be sent to your email. (Unfortunately you cannot be automatically added)

Lighthouse is moving...Kick-off on Wednesday, August 21st

Lighthouse Parents! 
Summer is halfway over and there is still a lot of exciting things going on in the lives of students.  My advice: Find some air conditioning and enjoy the time you have before the craziness of school starts again! 

As we said before, I (Ian) am taking over for Paul in this season of high school ministry.  Many have asked if we’re going to hire someone and my answer is this: we’re not opposed to hiring someone in the future, but for now, we have really sensed God leading us to not jump right into that.  I for one am excited about the amazing things God is doing with this group of students and consider it an honor to be in community with them as we move forward into His promises! 

Here’s what you need to know right now:

First, Lighthouse is moving to Wednesday nights!  When we kick off August 21st, our mid-week gathering will be on Wednesdays instead of Thursdays.  The reasoning is twofold; we wanted to align the nights of our youth programs (Impact, JH) for those families who had kids in both and also, we felt like Thursdays just plain and simply needed a change!  Also, Fudd’s night will be moving to the 2nd Wednesday of each month.

Second, Lighthouse is officially getting its own space at Hope Center and we are remodeling the upper room in the admin building.  We’re excited to have a space that can strengthen our community of students.  If you’re interested in helping or supporting this in any way, please let us know! 

Third, we have changed hosts for the Lighthouse Loop Parent Blog.  Please go to and sign up for the updates to be sent to your email.  If you were signed up for the original Lighthouse Loop Blog, unfortunately you cannot be automatically added. 

We are excited for the opportunities that lay ahead of us.  As was the case with Paul, my door is always open and I’m always ready to chat.  I consider my relationship with you, the parents, equally as important as my relationship with the students.  Please don’t hesitate to contact me. 

Ian Longtin
Pastor of Youth and Young Adults
925-348-7628 cell 
925-685-4673 church    

Thursday, July 25, 2013


The Lighthouse Loop has moved! The new address is, please click the link and subscribe your email to the new site.

Thank you!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Dessert with Paul this Wednesday!

BIG NEWS! Jessica and I have made the decision to be missionaries with Youth for Christ/Campus Life in the Sacramento area. God has been working through me on school campuses and I’m excited to pursue that work full time. It is sad to be leaving the Hope Center community and they will be missed, but God has called us and so we are stepping out in faith to respond.
With YFC/CL, I will be the Area Campus Director. If there is a school campus in the Sac area, I will be looking to get on and reach students through Point breaks, clubs, feeding programs, and more! I will also be looking to create teams of like-minded partners to come together for this overwhelming vision!
Please pray for us during this time! Lift up Hope Center through this change of leadership, pray for Jess and I as we transition, pray for YFC/CL specifically in the Sac area, pray for prayerful and financial support, and praise God that He is still at work today!
If you would like to hear more about this, you are invited to a dessert this Wednesday (July 17th) at Hope Center at 7pm. Or I am available to meet and talk about what God is doing in my life.


If you have any questions about future Lighthouse plans, please contact Ian Longtin

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Last Details for Day in the Bay

Hey Parents! We are back from Hume safe and sound, Day Camp is this week and...oh ya, we are going to San Francisco tomorrow (or today, whenever you are reading this).

Here are some last details:
  • Your $14 will pay for BART roundtrip and Lightrail
  • Please bring money for food (suggest $15), snacks, and arcade. There is an In-N-Out for those on a budget!
  • After the Day Camp meeting we will load into cars (we need drivers please), and drive to the Pleasant Hill BART station.
  • We should arrive at Pier 39 around 2:30, which will be a late lunch.
  • Please dress warmly for San Francisco weather!
  • We plan on returning around 6:30pm, but we will have students contact their rides on the BART ride home. Please pick up from the Pleasant Hill BART station.

 If you have any questions please email or call me, thank you,
Paul / 916 223 4327

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Day in the Bay

Day Camp is an annual event put on for kids and gives an awesome opportunity for high schoolers to serve. For the past couple of years, we have found ways to keep the fun going with After Day Camp events.

On Tuesday after Day Camp, we will be going to Kinders for lunch. Please have your student bring money for whatever they would like. We will be done around 1:30pm.

On Wednesday, we will be going to San Francisco for a Day in the Bay. We will take BART into the city, have a late lunch there, walk around Pier 39, and visit a old arcade. To sign up, I need $14 by Monday June 24th which will cover the round trip for BART and Lightrail. I recommend bringing $10 or so for lunch and money for other activities - also, quarters! We will be returning around 6:30pm.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Hume Info

This message is intended for those signed up for Hume Lake Summer Camp:
Hello Hume Wildwood crew! We are a couple days away and I hope everyone is excited for an incredible experience! Hume Lake is by far one of the most incredible camp experiences I have ever had and I am excited to be checking out what Wildwood has to offer!

A couple things as we get ready to go:
- I will be the primary staff from Sunday-Wednesday, and a woman from Hume staff will support. Lynn Laybourne will be coming on Wednesday to stay until Saturday.
     -We are taking two vehicles: The Reed's Pilot and the Fredrick's Van. We will just make it with all of our luggage, so please pack light. On Sunday, Brian Wilkenson and myself will be driving to Hume with Brian returning the same day. Lynn will drive there on Wednesday. Final travelling info will be given upon our departure.
           -Packing list: Please bring no more than a duffle bag.
Bible, notebook, pencil, flashlight, sleeping bag, pillow, toiletries, warm and cool clothes, jacket, modest one-piece swimsuit (no tankinis), $60 recommended spending money. (Remember: Girls no bare midriffs or spaghetti straps; guys, no sagging.)
**Electronic devices will not be allowed during daily activities, please talk to your student about cooperation.
What not to bring: Drugs (unless prescribed by a doctor), alcohol, tobacco, fireworks, firearms, electronic devices.
Any questions, please call, text, or email,
Paul / 916 223 4327 /