
Monday, February 27, 2012

Prayers for Pointbreak!

When I began doing ministry in the Sacramento area, I was with an organization called Youth for Christ/Campus Life. One of the best things that we did was offer an all day student workshop to local schools that focused on breaking down the walls for students and helped them get to know each other even better. You can find out more about this incredible experience on!

I have been committed to going oncampus at College Park and Alhambra High Schools for over a year now and I believe we are almost ready for Pointbreak in the Bay Area! I am working on a speaking team, I am getting all the info we need from Sacramento and I believe God is going to use this incredible experience to minister to students.

Please pray specifically that Alhambra and College Park will take a chance and do a couple Pointbreak workshops! This would be a long time prayer come true!

-Paul Scholz /

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