
Monday, March 5, 2012

Hebrews Small Group study!

Dear parents,
We’ve launched a new four-week study for our small groups on the book of Hebrews. It’s a timely look at a book that is full of deep spiritual truths with practical applications.
The first lesson focused on what is revealed about God’s Word in Hebrews 4:12-13. Through this lesson our students learned that God’s Word is a living force capable of radically transforming their lives. We challenged our teenagers to examine their attitudes toward God’s Word and to commit to encountering it in fresh ways.
As you go throughout the week, help reinforce this teaching in your child’s life by asking the following questions as you have the opportunity.
  • How has the Bible helped lead you in the past? Have there been times when you felt God telling you something through his Word?
  • How can these past times help you in the future?
Have a blessed week!
Paul Scholz /

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