
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

30 HR FAM was a Success!

30 Hour Famine was a huge success this year! God truly worked through the lives of students at Lighthouse and the word was spread about the hunger crisis in the world!

Pictures can be found on the Lighthouse Facebook page:

For service projects the high schoolers went to the Contra Costa Food Bank and made Easter cards for those sick in the hospital as well as for the elderly in Convalescent Homes. Also, a couple students put expired food into a container for a pig farmer. The Jr. High went to the Pleasant Hill Library and moved shelving for them. Later on, we made care packages for college-age students in our congregation that are away at school.

So far the count is around $4000 in funds! Pray that these funds are sent to help those that are hungry around the world! Thank you all for a great year!

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