
Thursday, March 29, 2012


If your student is going to Hume Lake summer camp please mark your calendars for this Sunday April 1st, we will be having a meeting to discuss the upcoming Pancake Fundraiser on Saturday May 5th. We will be giving instructions for the fundraiser as well as handing out tickets.

Also, mark your calendars for Sunday April 22nd during second service and four following weeks as well. We will be doing a Parent and Teen Lifeskills class that will be discussing topics like getting a job, creating financial goals, and how to marketing yourself. Parents, think about this question: What was your first job? What was the story behind it? What did you learn? We will be having teachers Scott Walker, teaches Dave Ramsay's Financial Peace class at our church, and Terry Wassman, teaches in the Job Search Ministry, share some of their knowledge during this time as well.

Contact me to RSVP yours and your student's spot in the class.

Thank you,
Paul Scholz /

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Preparing for Hume fundraisers

Hume Lake summer camp is approaching fast and we are preparing for our first fundraiser: Pancake Breakfast! We will do presales which will fundraise directly to your students as well as sell tickets at the door which will be divided among the group. What I need is a group of parent volunteers to partner with Julie McHuron and I to make this event happen. I’m thinking about having it Saturday May 5th but that is not set in stone. Please let me know if you can help and come to a meeting to plan.

Please pray that this fundraiser will be able to help families and students in need to get to summer camp! Thank you for your help!

**If your student is considering going to Hume this summer please contact me asap to sign up! You can see the brochure for this amazing summer camp by clicking

Paul Scholz, High School Director /

30 HR FAM was a Success!

30 Hour Famine was a huge success this year! God truly worked through the lives of students at Lighthouse and the word was spread about the hunger crisis in the world!

Pictures can be found on the Lighthouse Facebook page:

For service projects the high schoolers went to the Contra Costa Food Bank and made Easter cards for those sick in the hospital as well as for the elderly in Convalescent Homes. Also, a couple students put expired food into a container for a pig farmer. The Jr. High went to the Pleasant Hill Library and moved shelving for them. Later on, we made care packages for college-age students in our congregation that are away at school.

So far the count is around $4000 in funds! Pray that these funds are sent to help those that are hungry around the world! Thank you all for a great year!

Monday, March 5, 2012


This week is 30 HOUR FAMINE! This is an amazing event and I am excited to see how God is going to be speaking and moving through our group this year. In sum: for 30 Hour Famine we fast for 30 hours (starting Friday 3/9 at 1:00pm-Saturday 3/10 at 7:00pm), meet at the church at 8:00pm on Friday, sleepover, have devotion times and service projects all day and then break the fast! This event is focused on raising awareness about the food crisis around the world, and every year students are impacted by their own experience and identifying with needy people around the world.

If your student can involved in all or part of this incredible event, please let me know asap. The cost is $10 which covers a t-shirt, decorating supplies and helps toward the final meal. Please contact me with any questions or concerns.

More information about World Vision and 30 Hour Famine can be found at

Paul /

Hebrews Small Group study!

Dear parents,
We’ve launched a new four-week study for our small groups on the book of Hebrews. It’s a timely look at a book that is full of deep spiritual truths with practical applications.
The first lesson focused on what is revealed about God’s Word in Hebrews 4:12-13. Through this lesson our students learned that God’s Word is a living force capable of radically transforming their lives. We challenged our teenagers to examine their attitudes toward God’s Word and to commit to encountering it in fresh ways.
As you go throughout the week, help reinforce this teaching in your child’s life by asking the following questions as you have the opportunity.
  • How has the Bible helped lead you in the past? Have there been times when you felt God telling you something through his Word?
  • How can these past times help you in the future?
Have a blessed week!
Paul Scholz /