
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Last 30HF Details

IT'S HERE PEOPLE! We are doing it! The Famine, the service projects, the fundraising, the prayers, awareness, community, and fun all wrapped up in this amazing event.

Also I just sent out this email from our 30 Hour Famine fundraising page: GREAT JOB EVERYONE! Just checked our total this morning online ( and we are at $2,317.25, we have already beat our goal for the Famine! WOW! That is not even including other ways of giving. God has certainly answered prayers and continues to work with us to fight hunger around the world.

Here are a couple last minute details:

  • Breakfast: Freshman-Junior Guys and Girls as well as Senior Guys are meeting at Denny's in Concord (1313 WILLOW PASS RD CONCORD, CA 94520) for Breakfast at 6am on Saturday March 2nd morning. Bring money to eat what you want.
    Senior Girls get info from Julie.
  • Service Projects: The high schoolers at Denny's will be going to the Concord Food Bank. The Jr. Highers will be going to the library.
  • Rides: We need a parent willing to stay for breakfast and help with rides to the Concord Food Bank.
    Please pick up your student at the Food Bank at 1pm to go home for a break.
  • Bring Saturday night: Fundraising money, $10 for participating in 30 Hour Famine, recycling, Bible, notebook, pen, over night bag, sleeping bag

Happy Fasting everyone. Any questions, please contact: Paul Scholz

Thursday, February 21, 2013

We Need Your Help

Hello Parents of Lighthouse students, as you know we have some BIG and fun events coming up like 30 Hour Famine and the Rock and Worship Roadshow concert.

For the Famine:
- We need 2 adults willing to drive and serve with a small group of students on Saturday March 2nd. Many of our leaders are unable to help out this year and we need adults to be with our group!
- Please email us about the Break the Fast Celebration Feast on Sunday March 3rd, are you and your family coming? We need RSVP from anyone that wants to celebrate and eat with us.

For the Rock and Worship Roadshow:
- I also need 2 adults willing to drive students and stay for the concert on Friday March 8th, we plan on leaving around 3:45pm. Click here for more info on artists and times

Please contact me soon if you are able to help,
Paul Scholz / (916) 223-4327

Way I'm Wired devotional

We have been so blessed this year to be in "The Way I'm Wired" devotional booklet on together Thursday evenings. We have been able to spark many conversations and challenge students to think more about how God created them uniquely.

The plan for the rest of the year: We will be doing 2 devo's a week in February, 3 a week in March, 4 a week in April, and conclude early in May. We want to get through this entire devotional as well as help students in developing time with God.


If your student does not have a book, you can purchase one online at 

Paul /

Monday, February 4, 2013

30HF Launch

Yesterday, Sunday Feb 3rd, we announced and launched 30 Hour Famine! Students were given their Fammy Pack which had information about the event, fundraising info, and found out if they were on Team Fish or Team Loaf. We will be collecting cans and bottles again to help raise more funds.
This year our theme is Feeding 5,000, here is the video from 30 Hour Famine:

Last year was the first time we used online donations and we were completely blown away at the great response. Students can join the Hope Center team and raise funds online, which is often easier than having to remind people to write a check. Here is the link to our donation website 

Students need to turn in $10 and have their yearlong permission slip turned in to do this event.

Paul /

Spring Calendar!

Our NEW Spring calendar is out and has been mailed. If you have not received one in the mail please email to update your contact info.

Here's the link

A couple highlights:
- 30 Hour Famine, Mar 2-3. Cost $10. This annual event is one your student will not want to miss! We fast for 30 hours, raise funds for hungry people around the world, do community service projects, decorate awesome shirts, and have a ton of fun!

- Rock and Worship Roadshow, Mar 8. Cost $10. The best Christian artists come together each year to put on a cheap and amazing concert. This year we will be going down to San Jose to ROCK OUT! We need volunteer drivers to help with this event.

- Passion of the Christ viewing on Good Friday. For Passion week, the Community Worship team is coming together to host a viewing at Hope Center for the community. All are welcome to come and see this adaption of the Gospel story before Easter.

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please feel free to email me.

Paul /