
Monday, February 4, 2013

Spring Calendar!

Our NEW Spring calendar is out and has been mailed. If you have not received one in the mail please email to update your contact info.

Here's the link

A couple highlights:
- 30 Hour Famine, Mar 2-3. Cost $10. This annual event is one your student will not want to miss! We fast for 30 hours, raise funds for hungry people around the world, do community service projects, decorate awesome shirts, and have a ton of fun!

- Rock and Worship Roadshow, Mar 8. Cost $10. The best Christian artists come together each year to put on a cheap and amazing concert. This year we will be going down to San Jose to ROCK OUT! We need volunteer drivers to help with this event.

- Passion of the Christ viewing on Good Friday. For Passion week, the Community Worship team is coming together to host a viewing at Hope Center for the community. All are welcome to come and see this adaption of the Gospel story before Easter.

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please feel free to email me.

Paul /

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