
Thursday, February 21, 2013

We Need Your Help

Hello Parents of Lighthouse students, as you know we have some BIG and fun events coming up like 30 Hour Famine and the Rock and Worship Roadshow concert.

For the Famine:
- We need 2 adults willing to drive and serve with a small group of students on Saturday March 2nd. Many of our leaders are unable to help out this year and we need adults to be with our group!
- Please email us about the Break the Fast Celebration Feast on Sunday March 3rd, are you and your family coming? We need RSVP from anyone that wants to celebrate and eat with us.

For the Rock and Worship Roadshow:
- I also need 2 adults willing to drive students and stay for the concert on Friday March 8th, we plan on leaving around 3:45pm. Click here for more info on artists and times

Please contact me soon if you are able to help,
Paul Scholz / (916) 223-4327

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