
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Our Famine is Famous

I recently had a phone conference with Adam Philips who is a part of the Covenant Kids Congo (CKC) organization. Our denomination joined World Vision to help fight hunger and disease in the Congo. Last October over 40 kids were sponsored by our congregation, and our 30 Hour Famine funds went to support the CKC efforts.

Adam was so impressed with our story and how our Famine went, he asked me to write a blog post. Click here to check it out:

This Sunday we will be celebrating the success of raising $5,926.67 to fight hunger in the Congo. Please bring your student ready to celebrate this Sunday, April 21st in our youth service at 9:00am.

Paul /

p.s. No Youth Service on Sunday April 28th. We would like to encourage your family to all attend church and worship together. Also, we would like to encourage your student to get involved in serving on Sundays by job shadowing positions like: welcome/greeters, tech booth, sound booth, worship band, and more.

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