
Monday, April 8, 2013

Raising Money for Summer Events!

Yesterday we had a Pancake Fundraiser Meeting. We gave out information about the fundraiser on Saturday April 27th and gave tickets to students to start selling. Tickets are $5, and all money sold by individual students will go towards paying for Hume Wildwood Summer Camp and Mission 2 Mexico. 

Next Pancake Fundraiser meeting will be during 2nd service on April 21st for students to get their responsibilities for the fundraiser and to discuss how to make this a great breakfast for our guests!

Below is the info sheet that we handed out, please contact me if your student would like to participate and you need tickets!


1.       DON’T LOSE YOUR ENVELOPE OR TICKETS! Your tickets and envelope are the means by which we are staying organized, so please do not misplace them.
Ticket sales: Presale cost is $5 per person and the money will go directly into your account. Cost at the door is $8 and will be divided between the students. “Tip” jars will be at each table during the breakfast.
As you sell tickets, please write the person’s name on the envelope and indicate whether the person is less than 12 years old.
Each Sunday, please bring money to turn into Julie McHuron. The church will keep record of your sales.
2.       Your tickets and money are due no later than Thursday April 25th. Please give your envelope with names to Paul or Julie.

3.       Responsibilities:
  • Each student is responsible to sell their own tickets, our goal for each student is to sell 20 tickets which would fundraise $100 each! More tickets are available to students who sell more.
  • This fundraiser will be advertised throughout the church so please bring your tickets on Sunday and make yourself available in the lobby to sell tickets. We will also make pins so that you will stand out.
  • Each student must sign up for set-up crew (starts at 7:00am) or clean-up crew (leaves at 11:45am) and will be present during fundraiser to wait on tables and clean as the breakfast goes on.
  • Please wear a youth ministry t-shirt on the day of the Breakfast (if you need one please talk to Paul to buy one at a discounted rate).
  • Sign up to bring something for the toppings bar. Items needed: Whip Cream, Raspberries, Blueberries, Specialty syrup, etc.

Questions? Please contact:         Paul Scholz, High School Director
phone (925) 685-4673 ext 13

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