
Monday, April 8, 2013

Beauty Contests on Instagram

I just read an article called "Beauty Is Only SkinDeep, But Instagram Is To the Bone" by Hollee Actman Becker on It is the story of a mother helping to guide her daughter through this technology age. Here are a couple quotes that stood out to me:
"Did you know that there are beauty pageants on Instagram? 
"See, right now, as I sit here typing this, there is a tween girl with an iPhone somewhere making a grid out of four pictures of her besties using Instacollage or Mixel or whatever cool new app is making the rounds this week... 
"When she's finished, she will post that grid on Instagram, and then write something along the lines of: BEAUTY CONTEST! VOTE SOMEONE OUT! 
"But wait. That's not even the worst part. Because what happens next is this: People will actually vote for who they think is the least attractive in the comments, and whichever girl's name is written the most will be awarded a big fat X drawn across her face. 
"But don't hate the players. They're just kids. 
"And don't hate the game. Instagram was designed to be an online photo-sharing app that let users pimp-out their pics with cool filters and then share them."

Take some time to read to the end of the article, her response to all this on her daughter's Instagram is really amazing. Sorry she writes like Rob Bell in short sentences, not sure why that writing style has appeal.

I would also like to remind you about a previous post from last year about talking to your teen about using the internet:

Like to discuss? Email me.
Paul /

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