
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Pool Party, House Parties, and an Ice Cream Social!

It's all on the Lighthouse Fall Calendar

Along with moving to Lighthouse to Wednesday, we've moved Fudd's night to the 2nd Wednesday of the month as part of our Community focus.  

And, make sure you're in the loop by signing up to receive updates from our new blog location, and sign up for the updates to be sent to your email. (Unfortunately you cannot be automatically added)

Lighthouse is moving...Kick-off on Wednesday, August 21st

Lighthouse Parents! 
Summer is halfway over and there is still a lot of exciting things going on in the lives of students.  My advice: Find some air conditioning and enjoy the time you have before the craziness of school starts again! 

As we said before, I (Ian) am taking over for Paul in this season of high school ministry.  Many have asked if we’re going to hire someone and my answer is this: we’re not opposed to hiring someone in the future, but for now, we have really sensed God leading us to not jump right into that.  I for one am excited about the amazing things God is doing with this group of students and consider it an honor to be in community with them as we move forward into His promises! 

Here’s what you need to know right now:

First, Lighthouse is moving to Wednesday nights!  When we kick off August 21st, our mid-week gathering will be on Wednesdays instead of Thursdays.  The reasoning is twofold; we wanted to align the nights of our youth programs (Impact, JH) for those families who had kids in both and also, we felt like Thursdays just plain and simply needed a change!  Also, Fudd’s night will be moving to the 2nd Wednesday of each month.

Second, Lighthouse is officially getting its own space at Hope Center and we are remodeling the upper room in the admin building.  We’re excited to have a space that can strengthen our community of students.  If you’re interested in helping or supporting this in any way, please let us know! 

Third, we have changed hosts for the Lighthouse Loop Parent Blog.  Please go to and sign up for the updates to be sent to your email.  If you were signed up for the original Lighthouse Loop Blog, unfortunately you cannot be automatically added. 

We are excited for the opportunities that lay ahead of us.  As was the case with Paul, my door is always open and I’m always ready to chat.  I consider my relationship with you, the parents, equally as important as my relationship with the students.  Please don’t hesitate to contact me. 

Ian Longtin
Pastor of Youth and Young Adults
925-348-7628 cell 
925-685-4673 church    

Thursday, July 25, 2013


The Lighthouse Loop has moved! The new address is, please click the link and subscribe your email to the new site.

Thank you!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Dessert with Paul this Wednesday!

BIG NEWS! Jessica and I have made the decision to be missionaries with Youth for Christ/Campus Life in the Sacramento area. God has been working through me on school campuses and I’m excited to pursue that work full time. It is sad to be leaving the Hope Center community and they will be missed, but God has called us and so we are stepping out in faith to respond.
With YFC/CL, I will be the Area Campus Director. If there is a school campus in the Sac area, I will be looking to get on and reach students through Point breaks, clubs, feeding programs, and more! I will also be looking to create teams of like-minded partners to come together for this overwhelming vision!
Please pray for us during this time! Lift up Hope Center through this change of leadership, pray for Jess and I as we transition, pray for YFC/CL specifically in the Sac area, pray for prayerful and financial support, and praise God that He is still at work today!
If you would like to hear more about this, you are invited to a dessert this Wednesday (July 17th) at Hope Center at 7pm. Or I am available to meet and talk about what God is doing in my life.


If you have any questions about future Lighthouse plans, please contact Ian Longtin

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Last Details for Day in the Bay

Hey Parents! We are back from Hume safe and sound, Day Camp is this week and...oh ya, we are going to San Francisco tomorrow (or today, whenever you are reading this).

Here are some last details:
  • Your $14 will pay for BART roundtrip and Lightrail
  • Please bring money for food (suggest $15), snacks, and arcade. There is an In-N-Out for those on a budget!
  • After the Day Camp meeting we will load into cars (we need drivers please), and drive to the Pleasant Hill BART station.
  • We should arrive at Pier 39 around 2:30, which will be a late lunch.
  • Please dress warmly for San Francisco weather!
  • We plan on returning around 6:30pm, but we will have students contact their rides on the BART ride home. Please pick up from the Pleasant Hill BART station.

 If you have any questions please email or call me, thank you,
Paul / 916 223 4327

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Day in the Bay

Day Camp is an annual event put on for kids and gives an awesome opportunity for high schoolers to serve. For the past couple of years, we have found ways to keep the fun going with After Day Camp events.

On Tuesday after Day Camp, we will be going to Kinders for lunch. Please have your student bring money for whatever they would like. We will be done around 1:30pm.

On Wednesday, we will be going to San Francisco for a Day in the Bay. We will take BART into the city, have a late lunch there, walk around Pier 39, and visit a old arcade. To sign up, I need $14 by Monday June 24th which will cover the round trip for BART and Lightrail. I recommend bringing $10 or so for lunch and money for other activities - also, quarters! We will be returning around 6:30pm.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Hume Info

This message is intended for those signed up for Hume Lake Summer Camp:
Hello Hume Wildwood crew! We are a couple days away and I hope everyone is excited for an incredible experience! Hume Lake is by far one of the most incredible camp experiences I have ever had and I am excited to be checking out what Wildwood has to offer!

A couple things as we get ready to go:
- I will be the primary staff from Sunday-Wednesday, and a woman from Hume staff will support. Lynn Laybourne will be coming on Wednesday to stay until Saturday.
     -We are taking two vehicles: The Reed's Pilot and the Fredrick's Van. We will just make it with all of our luggage, so please pack light. On Sunday, Brian Wilkenson and myself will be driving to Hume with Brian returning the same day. Lynn will drive there on Wednesday. Final travelling info will be given upon our departure.
           -Packing list: Please bring no more than a duffle bag.
Bible, notebook, pencil, flashlight, sleeping bag, pillow, toiletries, warm and cool clothes, jacket, modest one-piece swimsuit (no tankinis), $60 recommended spending money. (Remember: Girls no bare midriffs or spaghetti straps; guys, no sagging.)
**Electronic devices will not be allowed during daily activities, please talk to your student about cooperation.
What not to bring: Drugs (unless prescribed by a doctor), alcohol, tobacco, fireworks, firearms, electronic devices.
Any questions, please call, text, or email,
Paul / 916 223 4327 /

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Park It!

Survivors from last year
It is that season of the year! School years are ending, seniors are graduating, and we are all ready for summer time *though it is quite cold outside right now*. Lighthouse Thursdays are called "Park It!" and we are meeting from 7:00-8:30pm at Hidden Lakes Park in Martinez.

This Thursday is YOU CAN'T BBQ THAT! A gross eating competition which boosts students to the status of legendary in our group. In past years we have had Cow Brains, Pig Uterus, Century Eggs, and the always favorite Black Chicken! The goal is not to be completely gross and sickening but rather to stretch students' palettes. 

We will also be at the park for June 6th and 13th. Come ready for some fun!

Paul /

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


On Sunday June 2nd we are not having youth service so that the whole church can be together for Baptisms. If you have not been baptized and would like to be or know someone who would like to, please contact me.
Pancakes will be available between services in the Generations Room.

Before baptism, we will be having a 2-part class for preparation. Please contact me so that we can set up times to meet!


Parent Survey

As we come to the end of the school year, we always take some time to get feedback and make changes to the ministry as needed. We would love your input! Good or bad, "Sundays and Thursdays are great" is very encouraging and "My kid doesn't ever remember the lesson" is helpful feedback of how we can do better. Please fill out the survey below and email it to me or

Parent(s) name: _____________________________________
Student(s) name: _____________________________________

Please give us so information so that we can update our database:
Do you have a cell phone?                      Yes         No
Text message?                                        Yes         No
Cell Phone Number: (                      )                                      -                                                     

Do you have Facebook?                         Yes         No
If so, how often do you check it?     Daily                               1-2 times per week         less than once a week
Do you have an email address?               Yes         No
Email address:                                                                   @                                           
How often do you check it?         Daily                      1-2 times per week        less than once a week

Do you currently get a youth calendar?             Yes         No
Has this been helpful for you?         Yes                         Sort of                  Not at all
Do you have any comments or suggestions on how this could be more helpful?
If you aren’t getting the mailer, would you like to?                           Yes         No
If yes, please provide address here:                                                                                                                                        
                                                           Street                            Apt#                      City                        Zip

Do you feel like the youth ministry staff are accessible?                                 YES         NO
Do you feel like you were informed about opportunities to be involved with youth ministries?
YES                         WOULD LIKE MORE INFO                              NO
Please rate the amount of communication you get from youth ministry.
GREAT                  ENOUGH                             NOT ENOUGH                   NOT GREAT
Please explain your rating:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
Do you feel like you are discipling your child?      YES         NO
Do you feel youth ministry supports you as a discipler?  YES                         I NEED HELP!                      NO
Please explain:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Do you feel like you can get involved with what is going on in youth ministry?     YES         NO
If you have been involved, please tell about how the experience has gone:                                                       

Thank you for taking the time to give feedback to youth ministry at Hope Center! Your responses are important to us and how we do ministry!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Hume Wildwood Registration

We are almost a month away from going to Hume Wildwood, June 16-22. We are in the process right now of mailing out letters to all that participated in the Pancake Fundraiser. The letter will include money we have received, money fundraised, and tips. We need your final registration payment this week:

IMPORTANT: As of right now, we need an adult available to go to Hume Summer Camp with us! Katie Falgien is trying to get the time off to go but she cannot guarantee it. Lynn Laybourne has offered but she would have to change some plans to be able to do it. Are you or do you know anyone that is available? Please contact me ASAP.

Check list to complete Hume registration, due this week:

  • Final registration payment
  • Go onto Hume Lake's website to fill out medical information (you should have received a code in your email to log on, contact Robin if you haven't

Paul Scholz /

Going On Campus

Be the Change Club at College Park, Thursdays at lunch
I was recently asked by a well known youth ministry website,, to write an article for their Campus Corner blog. Here's the start:

“Better turn around, they’re not letting anyone on campus today.” That was the text message I got from a fellow youth pastor as I was pulling up to the high school. I went ahead and parked. As I was walking up, the youth pastor said, “The lady in the office is a sub and she said that if she didn’t know us then we weren’t getting on.”

Click here to read the rest


Monday, May 6, 2013

Article: A Nation of Wimps

Parents are protesting their child's C to teachers. Parents are complaining that a college professor saying he expects his classes to "work hard" is abusing his position.

I came across this article and was wondering what your thoughts are on the subject.

Even further, I would love to discuss how to raise up young disciples of Jesus Christ in this culture.

Message me for a meeting time, I'll buy the coffee,
Paul / paul@hopecenter.c

Summer Calendar 2013

Our Summer Calendar has been released and we are so excited about upcoming events, activities, and another season of seeing God at work in the lives of students! Click here to see it.
Below is the letter that was mailed out, if you did not receive it please contact us to update your contact information. Thank you!

Dear Lighthouse Parents,
The school year is starting to wind down, and I pray that your student is finishing well. As schedules start to change for this season, we are excited for opportunities for great ministry. We are going to Hume Wildwood for summer camp, volunteering to help with Day Camp, and serving in Ensenada, Mexico – what wonderful opportunities! I hope that your student is able to get involved with all the fun stuff we have going on for the next couple of months.
In the summer season, our youth group schedule is a lot different than the rest of the year, so please make sure that you and your student are connected and are getting informed on how to stay involved.

Keep informed in the Lighthouse Loop:
  • Go to
  • SUBSCRIBE to the Lighthouse Loop blog to receive weekly e-mails for parents
  • LIKE on Facebook for updated info on events for students

Attached to this letter is the Lighthouse Summer Calendar, please note some important dates:
  • May 16th will be the end of small groups at Hope Center on Thursdays. Starting May 30th we will be meeting at Hidden Lakes Park from 7-8:30pm.
  • Hume Wildwood Summer Camp, June 16th-22ndreserve your student’s spot for $75, limited space available. Total cost $445.
  • Volunteer at Day Camp the week of June 24th-28th. Afterwards, we are doing various activities throughout the week.
  • Get involved in a summer Bible study! More details to follow.

If you would like to connect to talk about anything let me know, I am here to serve you!

God Bless,
Paul Scholz
Hope Center Covenant Church l Director of High School Ministries l
(916) 223-4327 cell l (925) 685-4673 ext 13 church

Monday, April 29, 2013

Wildwood Update

As of today, all of our Wildwood Summer Camp spots have been filled. From now on to sign up for summer camp we will have to go on a waiting list at Hume Lake to see if they have any spots open. I am guessing that we could get 5 more, so please keep signing up! Have your student invite friends, this is going to be an incredible camp.

For those already signed up for Hume Wildwood, you need to complete the registration for your child online. We are in the process now of sending you a "Request code" to log onto the Hope Center reservation and answer medical information. This needs to be done by May 10th, so please check your email!

Thank you,
Paul /

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Our Famine is Famous

I recently had a phone conference with Adam Philips who is a part of the Covenant Kids Congo (CKC) organization. Our denomination joined World Vision to help fight hunger and disease in the Congo. Last October over 40 kids were sponsored by our congregation, and our 30 Hour Famine funds went to support the CKC efforts.

Adam was so impressed with our story and how our Famine went, he asked me to write a blog post. Click here to check it out:

This Sunday we will be celebrating the success of raising $5,926.67 to fight hunger in the Congo. Please bring your student ready to celebrate this Sunday, April 21st in our youth service at 9:00am.

Paul /

p.s. No Youth Service on Sunday April 28th. We would like to encourage your family to all attend church and worship together. Also, we would like to encourage your student to get involved in serving on Sundays by job shadowing positions like: welcome/greeters, tech booth, sound booth, worship band, and more.

Baptism Sunday

We are currently in a series looking at the early Church topically through the book of Acts. The series is called After Easter, each week we take stories of all the great and wonderful things that happened to the people of God because of Jesus' death, resurrection, and ascension. One of the themes we will be focusing on is baptism, the act that symbolizes the change inside one's heart to follow Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

On June 2nd, we will cancel our youth service to be a part of Baptism Sunday with the whole church. Have you or your child been baptized? Do you know someone that is ready to be baptized? Now is the time! Contact me to get more information.

Paul /

Monday, April 8, 2013

Beauty Contests on Instagram

I just read an article called "Beauty Is Only SkinDeep, But Instagram Is To the Bone" by Hollee Actman Becker on It is the story of a mother helping to guide her daughter through this technology age. Here are a couple quotes that stood out to me:
"Did you know that there are beauty pageants on Instagram? 
"See, right now, as I sit here typing this, there is a tween girl with an iPhone somewhere making a grid out of four pictures of her besties using Instacollage or Mixel or whatever cool new app is making the rounds this week... 
"When she's finished, she will post that grid on Instagram, and then write something along the lines of: BEAUTY CONTEST! VOTE SOMEONE OUT! 
"But wait. That's not even the worst part. Because what happens next is this: People will actually vote for who they think is the least attractive in the comments, and whichever girl's name is written the most will be awarded a big fat X drawn across her face. 
"But don't hate the players. They're just kids. 
"And don't hate the game. Instagram was designed to be an online photo-sharing app that let users pimp-out their pics with cool filters and then share them."

Take some time to read to the end of the article, her response to all this on her daughter's Instagram is really amazing. Sorry she writes like Rob Bell in short sentences, not sure why that writing style has appeal.

I would also like to remind you about a previous post from last year about talking to your teen about using the internet:

Like to discuss? Email me.
Paul /

Raising Money for Summer Events!

Yesterday we had a Pancake Fundraiser Meeting. We gave out information about the fundraiser on Saturday April 27th and gave tickets to students to start selling. Tickets are $5, and all money sold by individual students will go towards paying for Hume Wildwood Summer Camp and Mission 2 Mexico. 

Next Pancake Fundraiser meeting will be during 2nd service on April 21st for students to get their responsibilities for the fundraiser and to discuss how to make this a great breakfast for our guests!

Below is the info sheet that we handed out, please contact me if your student would like to participate and you need tickets!


1.       DON’T LOSE YOUR ENVELOPE OR TICKETS! Your tickets and envelope are the means by which we are staying organized, so please do not misplace them.
Ticket sales: Presale cost is $5 per person and the money will go directly into your account. Cost at the door is $8 and will be divided between the students. “Tip” jars will be at each table during the breakfast.
As you sell tickets, please write the person’s name on the envelope and indicate whether the person is less than 12 years old.
Each Sunday, please bring money to turn into Julie McHuron. The church will keep record of your sales.
2.       Your tickets and money are due no later than Thursday April 25th. Please give your envelope with names to Paul or Julie.

3.       Responsibilities:
  • Each student is responsible to sell their own tickets, our goal for each student is to sell 20 tickets which would fundraise $100 each! More tickets are available to students who sell more.
  • This fundraiser will be advertised throughout the church so please bring your tickets on Sunday and make yourself available in the lobby to sell tickets. We will also make pins so that you will stand out.
  • Each student must sign up for set-up crew (starts at 7:00am) or clean-up crew (leaves at 11:45am) and will be present during fundraiser to wait on tables and clean as the breakfast goes on.
  • Please wear a youth ministry t-shirt on the day of the Breakfast (if you need one please talk to Paul to buy one at a discounted rate).
  • Sign up to bring something for the toppings bar. Items needed: Whip Cream, Raspberries, Blueberries, Specialty syrup, etc.

Questions? Please contact:         Paul Scholz, High School Director
phone (925) 685-4673 ext 13

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Pancake Fundraiser Meeting

Please join us on Sunday April 7th at 10:30am in the Generations Room for an information meeting about the upcoming Pancake Fundraiser and to receive tickets.
Proceeds will go towards students going to Hume Wildwood Summer Camp and Mission 2 Mexico.

Sign up for Summer Camp!

This year I am proud to announce that we are going to Hume Wildwood for Summer Camp Sunday June 16 - Saturday June 22. I have had the opportunity to go to Hume many times both in summer and winter and they are nothing short of the best. Wildwood Camp is their discipleship camp with lots of outdoor fun! After last year's amazing experience at Hume, we are excited to see how God moves through the lives of students at this camp.

Please click here to see our brochure with more information To reserve your student's spot please give us $75 and make sure that we have a 12-13 Year Long Permission Slip on file.

Please let me know if you have any questions,
Paul /

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Pancake Fundraiser Help

Hello, we are preparing for the Pancake Fundraiser next month on April 27th to help raise funds for students going to Hume Wildwood Summer Camp and Mission 2 Mexico. We need your help to get donations and "on site" duties to make the fundraiser successful!

For donations, we have letters that we need volunteers to take to local store managers, ask for donations, and give a great BIG smile and a "thank you". Stores include Safeway, Wal Mart, Original Pancake House, Sam's Club, Costco, CVS, Peet's, etc. asking for items like pancake batter, syrup, butter, paper plates and silverware, sausage, fruit, juice, and everything else we need. Are you available to help? We have the letters on Hope Center letterhead ready to go!

On the day of the fundraiser we need help as well from 7:30-10:30am (or any part of that). Here is a list of some responsibilities that we need help with:

  • Pancake cooks
  • Syrup bar organizing
  • Leading and guiding students in serving, cleaning, etc.
  • Welcome table to take tickets, money, and give a happy "Good Morning!"

Your efforts will help to not only get your student to these great summer events, but also to help others in the group. 

Please contact me to help, we are getting letters out this week,
Paul /

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Passion and Fundraiser

Passion of the Christ viewing - The Community Worship group is partnering for a viewing of the Passion of the Christ at Hope Center Covenant Church on Good Friday March 29th at 7:00pm. All ages from all communities are welcome. Please note that the movie is rated R for graphic violence.
**Community Worship is a partnership between local youth groups to come together and worship God together.

Pancake Summer Camp Fundraiser on Saturday April 27th - we will be having a Pancake Fundraiser to help students raise funds for summer trips Hume Lake Wildwood and Mission 2 Mexico. There will be a meeting at 10:30am on Sunday April 7th for information and to start selling tickets!

God Bless,
Paul /

Monday, March 4, 2013

Rock & Worship

This Friday I am going to the Rock and Worship Roadshow at the HP Pavilion in San Jose, I need to know BEFORE Thursday if your student is planning on coming so that I can confirm rides and create a schedule.

Please contact me ASAP to make sure that your student is signed up. Here are the details again: Cost is $10 and your student needs money for dinner. The concert starts at 7, there are many bands and a speaker, so I don't think we will be home until midnight or so. Visit for more details.

Paul /

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Last 30HF Details

IT'S HERE PEOPLE! We are doing it! The Famine, the service projects, the fundraising, the prayers, awareness, community, and fun all wrapped up in this amazing event.

Also I just sent out this email from our 30 Hour Famine fundraising page: GREAT JOB EVERYONE! Just checked our total this morning online ( and we are at $2,317.25, we have already beat our goal for the Famine! WOW! That is not even including other ways of giving. God has certainly answered prayers and continues to work with us to fight hunger around the world.

Here are a couple last minute details:

  • Breakfast: Freshman-Junior Guys and Girls as well as Senior Guys are meeting at Denny's in Concord (1313 WILLOW PASS RD CONCORD, CA 94520) for Breakfast at 6am on Saturday March 2nd morning. Bring money to eat what you want.
    Senior Girls get info from Julie.
  • Service Projects: The high schoolers at Denny's will be going to the Concord Food Bank. The Jr. Highers will be going to the library.
  • Rides: We need a parent willing to stay for breakfast and help with rides to the Concord Food Bank.
    Please pick up your student at the Food Bank at 1pm to go home for a break.
  • Bring Saturday night: Fundraising money, $10 for participating in 30 Hour Famine, recycling, Bible, notebook, pen, over night bag, sleeping bag

Happy Fasting everyone. Any questions, please contact: Paul Scholz

Thursday, February 21, 2013

We Need Your Help

Hello Parents of Lighthouse students, as you know we have some BIG and fun events coming up like 30 Hour Famine and the Rock and Worship Roadshow concert.

For the Famine:
- We need 2 adults willing to drive and serve with a small group of students on Saturday March 2nd. Many of our leaders are unable to help out this year and we need adults to be with our group!
- Please email us about the Break the Fast Celebration Feast on Sunday March 3rd, are you and your family coming? We need RSVP from anyone that wants to celebrate and eat with us.

For the Rock and Worship Roadshow:
- I also need 2 adults willing to drive students and stay for the concert on Friday March 8th, we plan on leaving around 3:45pm. Click here for more info on artists and times

Please contact me soon if you are able to help,
Paul Scholz / (916) 223-4327

Way I'm Wired devotional

We have been so blessed this year to be in "The Way I'm Wired" devotional booklet on together Thursday evenings. We have been able to spark many conversations and challenge students to think more about how God created them uniquely.

The plan for the rest of the year: We will be doing 2 devo's a week in February, 3 a week in March, 4 a week in April, and conclude early in May. We want to get through this entire devotional as well as help students in developing time with God.


If your student does not have a book, you can purchase one online at 

Paul /

Monday, February 4, 2013

30HF Launch

Yesterday, Sunday Feb 3rd, we announced and launched 30 Hour Famine! Students were given their Fammy Pack which had information about the event, fundraising info, and found out if they were on Team Fish or Team Loaf. We will be collecting cans and bottles again to help raise more funds.
This year our theme is Feeding 5,000, here is the video from 30 Hour Famine:

Last year was the first time we used online donations and we were completely blown away at the great response. Students can join the Hope Center team and raise funds online, which is often easier than having to remind people to write a check. Here is the link to our donation website 

Students need to turn in $10 and have their yearlong permission slip turned in to do this event.

Paul /

Spring Calendar!

Our NEW Spring calendar is out and has been mailed. If you have not received one in the mail please email to update your contact info.

Here's the link

A couple highlights:
- 30 Hour Famine, Mar 2-3. Cost $10. This annual event is one your student will not want to miss! We fast for 30 hours, raise funds for hungry people around the world, do community service projects, decorate awesome shirts, and have a ton of fun!

- Rock and Worship Roadshow, Mar 8. Cost $10. The best Christian artists come together each year to put on a cheap and amazing concert. This year we will be going down to San Jose to ROCK OUT! We need volunteer drivers to help with this event.

- Passion of the Christ viewing on Good Friday. For Passion week, the Community Worship team is coming together to host a viewing at Hope Center for the community. All are welcome to come and see this adaption of the Gospel story before Easter.

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please feel free to email me.

Paul /

Monday, January 28, 2013

30 Hour Famine 2013

I am so excited to announce 30 Hour Famine for this year: March 2nd starting at 7:00am to March 3rd at 1:00pm! This is by far the best event we do of the year. We raise funds and donate it to help hungry people around the world, we fast, we do service projects, play games, do devotions, and celebrate at the end. The Famine is difficult but worth it. Last year we raised an amazing $4602.17 (a total of $21,690.29 over the years), it was certainly a year of blessing.

Here is a rough sketch of the schedule, starting on Saturday:
6:00am   Breakfast with your small group
7:00        Start the Famine
9:00       Local service project (in the past we have worked at the Pleasant Hill Library and the Food Bank)
12:00     End service project and do a lunch-time devo
1:00       Go home to rest and relax
6:00pm  Meet at Hope Center for a time of worship, t-shirt deocrating, and games
Sleepover at Hope Center

March 3rd, No Youth Service
9:00    Sharing in the first service
   Youth Shack between services
10:45  Sharing in the second service
12:15  Begin Break the Fast Celebration
1:00pm  End Famine with Communion

Please join us in the Famine and at the Break the Fast Celebration! 
Click here to donate online *spread the word!* 

RSVP for the meal by emailing

More information coming soon on this event.
Paul /